
Starting the configuration server

Start the configuration server by executing script run_config.cmd in subdirectory examples/0_config. This will make the content of database file test-config.db available via http://localhost:10101.


Once the server is running, you can view the available configurations in a web browser via http://localhost:10101.

MQTT broker

An MQTT broker is required for running the example, for instance Eclipse Mosquitto or EMQ.

Example 1: Dynamic simulation using an FMU for Model Exchange

The figure below shows the graphical representation of the zigzag model used in this example. It comprises an integrator, whose input is a constant (model input variable k), and a hysteresis controller, which switches the sign of k in case the integrator’s output variable x crosses a certain threshold (low: -1, high: 1). The resulting output is a zigzag pattern (hence the model name). The model has been compiled with Dymola into an FMU for Model Exchange, which can be found in subdirectory src/test/resources.

Modelica model zigzag.

To run the example, edit attribute FMU.URI in the FMU simulator client configuration ait.test.fmusim.dynamic_me.fmu.config to match the absolut path of the FMU file (located in your local subdirectory src/test/resources). Use for instance DB Browser for SQLite to edit the configuration.

All relevant scripts can be found in subdirectory examples/1_dynamic_me. To run the example, execute all scripts either in separate command prompt windows or by double-clicking:

  • fmusim.cmd: runs the FMU simulator

  • dpb.cmd: runs the datapoint bridge service, connecting the FMU simulator and the plotter

  • plot.cmd: runs the plotter, which will plot incoming data


The order in which the scripts are started is arbitrary.

Once the FMU simulator client starts up, the client shell can be used to interact with the FMU model. For instance, input variable k of the FMU model can be changed:

llclient> svd k .3
llclient> svd k 3

An example of how the FMU reacts on these inputs can be seen in the following figure.

Dynamic simulation results zigzag.

Example 2: Fixed-step simulation using an FMU for Model Exchange

This example uses the same zigzag model as the previous example.

To run the example, edit attribute FMU.URI in the FMU simulator client configuration ait.test.fmusim.fixedstep_me.fmu.config to match the absolut path of the FMU file (located in your local subdirectory src/test/resources). Use for instance DB Browser for SQLite to edit the configuration.

All relevant scripts can be found in subdirectory examples/2_fixedstep_me. To run the example, execute all scripts either in separate command prompt windows or by double-clicking:

  • fmusim.cmd: runs the FMU simulator

  • dpb.cmd: runs the data point bridge service, connecting the FMU simulator and the plotter

  • plot.cmd: runs the plotter, which will plot incoming data


The order in which the scripts are started is arbitrary.

Once the FMU simulator client starts up, the client shell can be used to interact with the FMU model. For instance, input variable k of the FMU model can be changed:

llclient> svd k 0.3

An example of how the FMU reacts on these inputs can be seen in the following figure. Notice the differences to the previous example, where the FMU simulator did update the outputs not only at strictly periodic intervals.

Fixed step simulation results zigzag.